Two white women aged 25-35 boxing

Case Study: Engage-HER – Challenging Sport Deliverers in Northern Ireland


Women exercise significantly less than men in Northern Ireland; 45% of women have participated in sport in the previous 12 months, as opposed to 59% of men.

As a result, we partnered up with Sported Northern Ireland to explore how an effective partnership would help make an impact on the participation levels.

Report Content

  • State of play
  • Impact
  • What we learnt
During discussions I can already tell that they have started to think on a deeper level about how to fully engage with women and girls, being open to making changes at the club.

Key findings

  • Many of the members and all of the mentors were volunteers, which can often be a challenge, however realistic engagement plans and support at key times helped to keep the project moving forward.
  • The mentors played a crucial role in this project, by providing one-to-one support on the ground
    and offering a sounding board for members’ ideas and plans.

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