
A group of women and girls playing football

Trans Inclusion & Women’s Sport

Sport is inherently physical, so the different physiologies of the sexes matters. Read about our stance on transgender inclusion in sport.

A young Muslim girl and young white boy playing football together at school

Mixed-Sex Sport

Mixed sex sport is a growing part of the sporting eco-system. Where it is happening, we want to make it work for girls.

Teenage girls football

What is Gender Budgeting?

Find out about gender budgeting in sport and how it can ensure women and girls are receiving a fair deal in sport and society.

A group of women and girls playing football

Trans Inclusion: Guidance for NGBs

Sport is inherently physical, so the different physiologies of the sexes matters. Read about our stance on transgender inclusion in sport.

Where are all the Women?

New research from leading charity, Women in Sport, highlights the continued lack of visibility of women’s sports coverage across five European countries.